
Logistics Service Engineer
In the fields of production, circulation and services, personnel engaged in item procurement, freight forwarding, logistics information services, and organizing warehousing and transportation, distribution and packaging, handling, circulation and processing, etc.
Training Level
? Level 3 / Advanced

People Suitable

? College students
? Employees who would like to further enhance skillsets
? Individuals who are interested in undergoing career transition training

Knowledge System Framework

? Logistics professional ethics, laws & regulations
? Logistics basics
? Warehouse management & distribution management
? Transportation operations & quality management
? Transportation and agency business
? Procurement supply management
? Production logistics planning & control
? Logistics information technology & systems

乐都县| 宝坻区| 九龙县| 志丹县| 淮滨县| 墨江| 西宁市| 喜德县| 长兴县| 阜新|